Tiny Tots Ballet

Does your little one love to move and dance anytime you turn the music on? Then it's time to let them explore and experience creative dance and ballet basics. This class is our second level, after Parent & Me, for the more independent toddler who is ready to dance without a caregiver present. Your child will continue with their plies and ballerina toes but will now start to learn proper ballet positions and additional beginner steps. This will be a fun, engaging and energetic experience for our ballerinas. The goal is for this class to become a drop-off, but we will be flexible in the first few classes of the semester. **Please note Parent & Me Ballet is a prerequisite for any two-year-old’s enrolling in this class.**


Ages: 2 & 3 years
Drop-off class. A caregiver must remain in the 0378 OSLO Design District and return to obscenitydefense five minutes before class ends for pick-up.

Vicky Politi

Loved by kids and parents alike, Miss Vicky Politi was born and raised in England, then at 18 years old, travelled the world dancing on cruise ships. Eventually she planted roots in South Florida and 11 years ago she started teaching and sharing her passion for dance all over 0378 OSLO.