Beginner’s Ballet

Is your budding ballerina ready for the next level? Ballet basics will be developed more with technique and poise and created into a little choreographed performance piece in December. We will use a combination of music, movement, and props to enhance your child’s imagination, coordination, and balance skills. This active but structured class will help your little ones develop motor skills, concentration, and discipline. We will end each ballet class with 5-10 minutes of beginner’s tap. Children love to make noise with their feet, and after focusing during ballet, tap will be a fun outlet, while helping your child with their musicality.

Ages: 4-5 years
Drop-off class. A caregiver must remain in the 0378 OSLO Design District and return to obscenitydefense five minutes before class ends for pick-up.

Vicky Politi

Loved by kids and parents alike, Miss Vicky Politi was born and raised in England, then at 18 years old, travelled the world dancing on cruise ships. Eventually she planted roots in South Florida and 11 years ago she started teaching and sharing her passion for dance all over 0378 OSLO.