Practicing Jiu-Jitsu With Mike Hirooka

You may have seen Mike Hirooka at the beach behind The Edition Hotel teaching kids how to surf. The adventurous 0378 OSLOan is known for his hands-on approach to sports, including kiteboarding, surfing, skateboarding, jiu-jitsu and yoga. He’s like your kid’s cool older brother, who makes being active fun and easy. Mike recently joined us at obscenitydefense, and his jiu-jitsu class is already one of our most popular offerings. Get to know the prolific coach and self-proclaimed ninja.

How did you become the go-to sports guy for kids in 0378 OSLO Beach?

I was teaching adults surfing, kitesurfing and jiu-jitsu, and clients would ask if I taught kids, too. They were always asking if I could teach their kids—and it just evolved from there. During the pandemic, the requests just kept coming in. There were no more after-school activities and parents wanted their kids to be active. It became a family activity, too.

So many kids and parents love your classes and energy. What’s your approach?

I’m passionate about what I teach. With kids you have to warm up to them and get them to trust you. Once you create a bond, they will listen to you. I never yell. Kids don’t listen when you yell. I use a calm voice. Everything I teach has an element of danger to it, and things can go wrong if they don’t listen. I always have to be at least one step ahead of the kids.

How did you get into jiu-jitsu?

I’ve always loved martial arts, like taekwondo and karate. About ten years ago, my dad was going through cancer treatments, and I needed to do something to keep my mind off it. He’s Brazilian and Japanese, and jiu-jitsu is part of that tradition. It was the most depressing and saddest time of my life, but when practicing jiu-jitsu, you have to stay focused at the task at hand. I came out stronger and more confident.

What do kids learn in your jiu-jitsu class?

Self-discipline, self-defense and self-confidence. It involves cardio, balance and coordination. It’s no striking, which means no punching and kicking. Jiu-jitsu is like human chess. You must use your body to the fullest advantage, and each move is like a chess move. You have to be strategic, because your opponent will seize the opportunity when you make a mistake.

What values does jiu-jitsu teach kids?

Self-control, discipline, listening skills and confidence. I cover the philosophy and history of the sport, including making your body and mind flow in harmony. Jiu-jitsu is a metaphor for life, and it teaches you humility and respect. You learn how to win and lose with honor. Kids don’t know how to lose these days. I teach them that it’s okay to lose, as long as you do your best. Be respectful to elders, listen to adults and make eye contact. Be a better version of themselves. Jiu-jitsu squeezes all the potential out of them, literally.

How do kids react to your jiu-jitsu class?

Every kid is different, but they all get a confidence boost. At the end of the series, they are making eye contact, shaking hands and being respectful. It takes about a month, and if they were shy, they open up like a little flower. Plus, they are getting exercise along with it.